XXVIII Berlin Global Forum, February 2017
New Years Dinner at the invitation of H.E. The Chinese Ambassador to Germany Mr. Shi Mingde
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But we are proud to say that Global Bridges contributed 454 entries already.
New Years Dinner at the invitation of H.E. The Chinese Ambassador to Germany Mr. Shi Mingde
At the traditional New Year’s Dinner, when the Chinese Ambassador to Germany, H.E. Shi Mingde, hosted the XXVIII Berlin Global Forum to celebrate the beginning of the Chinese “Year of the Rooster,” Dr. Beate Lindemann greeted the members of Global Bridges. Included in the Executive Chairman’s remarks was the announcement that the XIII Study Trip […]
2016 was not without sorrowful memories, as our beloved Founding Chairman and Honorary Member Walther Leisler Kiep passed away last May. His vigor and passion inspired us in our daily lives, and his magnificent presence was and continues to be deeply missed. However, he was with us in spirit – and what better way to […]
Guest speaker Dr. Angela Stent on “U.S.-Russian Relations in the Next Administration: Is Another Reset Possible or Desirable?”
Traditional Goose Dinner with guest speaker The Right Honorable Baroness Pauline Neville-Jones DCMG on “Brexit – Journey into the unknown”
Annual Thanksgiving Dinner at the residence of U.S. Consul General, Mr. James W. Herman
Beijing, Shanghai, Hong Kong and the Province of Xinjiang P.R. China Nov 13-26, 2016 On our XII Study Trip to China, the focus is on the Chinese political and economic megatrends in Bejing and Shanghai, as well as for the first time the regional development of the Western Province of Xinjiang.
Bowling Green, Ohio USA Nov 1-6, 2016 At the beginning of November 2016, in the final rally of the US presidential campaign, delegates of Global Bridges arrive in Bowling Green, Ohio, 82 miles southwest of Detroit and 180 miles north of Cincinnati. Why would one choose such a remote location? It is right here, in […]
New Orleans, Louisiana USA October 29th – November 1st, 2016 Before the delegation from Global Bridges met in the “Swing State” Ohio for a final observation of the US Presidential Campaign, a small group of them led by Dr. Beate Lindemann paid a visit to New Orleans, in the American South.
Hainan, Haikou, P.R. China October 11 to 16, 2016 “Craftsmanship, Innovation, and Business Startups of Young Leaders The days in Haikou, were a truly memorable and enriching experience: First, the conference was an excellent opportunity to learn more about China, its culture and about Hainan in particular. The breathtaking speed at which China is transforming […]