Get in touch
Global Bridges offers exciting opportunities for members, partners and staff.
Our members are at the heart of our organization and membership in Global Bridges is the key to special benefits: It provides the participation in one out of four Field Trips, or one out of two Young Leaders Conferences per year. Throughout the year members are regularly invited to at least ten Global Forums and Symposia. Most of all, they are part of an intimate network of about 400 members and 2,000 Young Leader Alumni from 40 countries.
In the program of Global Bridges our sponsors and partners find an exciting mixture of management training for their High Potentials as well as fertile ground for networking of their organizations in the regions of our Field Trips. Our Conferences and Field Trips are organized by our staff in Berlin.
Their work offers our members comprehensive insights into the political and economic aspects in the regions of our Field Trips. If you are interested in membership, working within our exceptional network, nominating young leaders, or in supporting Global Bridges through your organization or business, please contact one of our board members or our office in the heart of Germany’s capital, right at the Brandenburg Gate in Berlin.
What Members Say

“Wir fahren hin” with Global Bridges provides in-a-nutshell, condensed insights into countries, cultures and characters in an open, trustful and familial atmosphere. It is not the easy road that is taken but the one with the most sustainable and rewarding experience. The benefit Global Bridges provides is without comparison.

“A mind that is stretched by new perspectives can never go back to its old dimensions.” At Global Bridges we seek new perspectives that stretch our minds and those of our hosts in their countries. Together we can make a difference.

Working as an investor in the Berlin start-up scene I experience the relevance of personal relationships in early and fragile stages every day. Global Bridges offers a unique platform to reach out to an international audience in a comparable setting.

I am a university professor, and I like meeting smart people with broad international horizons who exercise leadership in their respective fields. At Global Bridges, one meets those kinds of people at any given time.
Sponsors And Partners
Global Bridges’ work would not be possible without our partners. They provide not only financial support but help us with ideas and contacts to bring people together and build global bridges. We would like to say thank you!
Global Bridges e.V.
Pariser Platz 6
10117 Berlin-Mitte
P +49 (0) 30 9210231-0
F +49 (0) 30 9210231-20
kontakt (at)