Entries by Global Bridges

IX Young Leaders Alumni Conference

Gdansk, Poland July 6 to 9, 2017 “Bridges or Chasms between East and West? – A Polish Case Study” At the point where Poland meets the Baltic Sea, our Young Leaders and Global Bridges members dedicated three days of stimulating debate, study visits, and sightseeing to the (re-)discovery of Gdansk. Fueled by the enthralling speeches […]

II Walther Leisler Kiep Symposium 2017

Germany’s Role and Interests amidst a United States in Turmoil and a Europe in Search of its Future Berlin, Germany June 20-21, 2017 At the Second Walther Leisler Kiep Symposium Globalization and Protectionism, the Atlantic Community, and Germany’s Role in Europe were the topics in focus. The results of the panel discussions may be summarized as […]

XVI European-American Young Leaders Conference

Astana, Kazakhstan May 28 to June 1, 2017 42 Young Leaders from 18 nations traveled to central Asia to get to know a country in economic emergence that proved its will and capacity for economic modernization with the direction of the global exhibition Expo 2017.

V Study Trip to Israel and the West Bank

Tel Aviv, Jerusalem, Bethlehem, and Ramallah April 22 to 29, 2017 A Study Trip in Times of Fundamental Change Global Bridges learned more about the conditions in which bilateral relations between Israel and Germany truly are, and how the Israeli-Palestinian conflict continues to develop. Surprisingly, both sides place a lot of hope in a new actor […]