
Field trips to destinations of geographical importance, conferences at focal points of world history, forums about issues with substance and relevant participants are the signature of our event calendar.

On Focus

IX Young Leaders Alumni Conference

Gdansk, Poland

July 6 to 9, 2017

“Bridges or Chasms between East and West? – A Polish Case Study”

At the point where Poland meets the Baltic Sea, our Young Leaders and Global Bridges members dedicated three days of stimulating debate, study visits, and sightseeing to the (re-)discovery of Gdansk. Fueled by the enthralling speeches given by the guest speakers, the discussions focused on Poland’s role in international relations, especially to the United States, Russia, Germany, and the rest of Europe. Our delegation’s numerous trips to local historic sites, such as the fortress “Ordensburg Marienburg” (Malbork), the Solidarność Center, as well as the boat ride to “Westerplatte,” the site where World War II began on September 1, 1939, contributed to more lively conversations. These shared experiences in Gdansk blended together with the diverse backgrounds of the trip’s attendants led our Young Leaders to a powerful, common conclusion: it is now more important than ever to build bridges with Poland.

To read the full report, please click here:

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II Walther Leisler Kiep Symposium 2017

Germany’s Role and Interests amidst a United States in Turmoil and a Europe in Search of its Future

Berlin, Germany

June 20-21, 2017

At the Second Walther Leisler Kiep Symposium Globalization and Protectionism, the Atlantic Community, and Germany’s Role in Europe were the topics in focus.

The results of the panel discussions may be summarized as follows:

New uncertainties are arising in a rapidly changing international arena due to growing opposition to global free trade, digitalization and its ramifications for the working world, and disputes over the consequences of energy supply and climate change.

Through Globalization, people are growing closer, but this also means that they are becoming more acutely aware of their differences. We should refrain from imposing our notions of democracy and human rights on the rest of the world and instead approach developmental assistance in a more pragmatic manner. Globalization has divergent consequences for the income and wealth distribution for western-oriented democracies.

Despite substantial unpredictability from the Trump administration, we must keep our transatlantic alliance strong and maintain mutual understanding, especially towards those who support President Trump. America’s opposition to North Stream is directed not only against Russia, but Germany as well. This should be clearly addressed.

Europe will have to step up their efforts to control deviating tendencies. The EU must do more to be taken seriously as a security provider. There was a call to observe the Maastricht Treaty: EU-minister of finance, fiscal union, economic government, perhaps even EU-led armed forces as well as a monitoring regime on the external borders and a balanced immigration and refugee policy. With Brexit, Germany’s interests are aimed at keeping the United Kingdom as close as possible to the EU, albeit without weakening the fundamental principles of the domestic market. In questions of security, continued cooperation is indispensable.

To read the full report by Dr. Rudolf Georg Adam, please click here:

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XVI European-American Young Leaders Conference

Astana, Kazakhstan

May 28 to June 1, 2017

42 Young Leaders from 18 nations traveled to central Asia to get to know a country in economic emergence that proved its will and capacity for economic modernization with the direction of the global exhibition Expo 2017.

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Schedule of Activities

Members can access our schedule of activities here.


Momentarily no announcements on short notice.


  • Young Leaders Alumni Reunion, from July 4-7, 2024

    Vaduz, Liechtenstein

  • Study Trip to Liechtenstein, from July 2-7, 2024

    Zurich, St. Gallen and Vaduz

  • Cosmopolitan Talk, June 27, 2024

    Topic: “Digitale Plattformen als Staaten”
    Speakers: Dr. Moritz Holzgraefe, Director Public Affairs EU, Axel Springer SE
    Moderator: Michael Rümmelein, Co-Founder and Director, Swiss 5 Group
    Zurich, Switzerland

  • VII. Walther Leisler Kiep Symposium “Challenges to the Global Order – Revisionism, Populism, and the Rise of the Global South”, from June 12-13, 2024

    Berlin, Germany

  • Chinese-German Young Leaders Conference, from May 26-31, 2024

    Hangzhou, P.R. China