XXXI Berlin Global Forum, March 2017
At the invitiation of H.E. The Armenian Ambassador to Germany Mr. Ashot Smbatyan
At the invitiation of H.E. The Armenian Ambassador to Germany Mr. Ashot Smbatyan
Guest speaker: Dr. Changfeng Tu, laywer and partner at Hengeler Mueller (Frankfurt and Shanghai), on “Chinese Investment in Germany”
New Years Dinner at the invitation of H.E. The Chinese Ambassador to Germany Mr. Shi Mingde
Guest speaker Dr. Angela Stent on “U.S.-Russian Relations in the Next Administration: Is Another Reset Possible or Desirable?”
Traditional Goose Dinner with guest speaker The Right Honorable Baroness Pauline Neville-Jones DCMG on “Brexit – Journey into the unknown”
Annual Thanksgiving Dinner at the residence of U.S. Consul General, Mr. James W. Herman
September 2016
„Radikalisierung der politischen Debatte – Was tun wir dagegen?“
War schon