II GlobalBridges@GlobalArt on September 20, 2022
Berlin, Germany Exhibition „Lu Yang – Artist of the Year“ In cooperation with Deutsche Bank (PalaisPopulaire)
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Berlin, Germany Exhibition „Lu Yang – Artist of the Year“ In cooperation with Deutsche Bank (PalaisPopulaire)
On June 15 and 16, Global Bridges held its Fifth Walther Leisler Kiep Symposium in Berlin on the topic “The War in Ukraine: Implications for Europe’s Russia Policies.” Already the First Walther Leisler Kiep Symposium half a decade ago, in the organization of which Dr. Kiep actively contributed, had asked whether Germany’s Russia policies were […]
Speaker: Dr. Bruno Kahl, President of the Bundesnachrichtendienst (BND); Moderator: Professor Dr. Susanne Fischer, Hochschule des Bundes für öffentliche Verwaltung (HSB)
Hildesheim – Berlin
Topic: „The War in Ukraine: Implications for Europe’s Russia Policies“ Berlin, Germany
Speakers: Ulrich Wickert, Journalist; Dr. Franziska Brantner, MdB, Parliamentary State Secretary in the Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Climate Action; Moderator: Simon Schütz, Press Spokesman, Verband der Automobilindustrie e.V. (VDA)
Topic (in german): Sustainability in the globalized economy ; Speaker and Host: Michael Zissis Vassiliadis, Chairman, Industriegewerkschaft Bergbau, Chemie, Energie Berlin, Germany.